&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Put the idiomatic expressions at the top into the gaps at the beginning of each definition below. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt13= = to try to guess what is going to happen in the future by examining what is happening now.&gf_txt12=[!|read the runes]&gf_txt11= = to speak angrily to someone about something they have done and warn them that they will be punished if they do it again.
6. &gf_txt10=[!|read someone the riot act]&gf_txt9= = to accept that something is true without making sure that it is.
5. &gf_txt8=[!|take it as read]&gf_txt7= = to know what someone is thinking without being told.
4. &gf_txt6=[!|read someone 's mind]&gf_txt5= = a slightly impolite way of telling someone to listen to what you are saying.
3. &gf_txt4=[!|Read my lips!]&gf_txt3= = to try to understand someone's real feelings or intentions from what they say or write.
2. &gf_txt2=[!|read between the lines]&gf_txt1=1. &testo_pz=13&item_4=9|552|569||read the runes&item_3=7|396|424||read someone the riot act&item_2=5|306|324||take it as read&item_1=3|123|246|] = a slightly impolite way of telling someone to listen to what you are saying. 3. [!|Read my lipsread someone 's mind&item_0=1|3|28||read between the lines&nitem=5&