&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Put one of the following prepositions in the space in each sentence:

along /
back / by / from / off / out of / through / up.

One or more of the prepositions is repeated.
When you have
finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.
&gf_txt21= lots of memories for me. &gf_txt20=[!|back]&gf_txt19= at around 7.30 in the morning.
10. When I was a child we went to the same place every summer. Now when I go there, it brings &gf_txt18=[!|up]&gf_txt17= the window, you can just see the top of the bridge that goes across the river.
9. I usually wake &gf_txt16=[!|out of]&gf_txt15= and broke my leg.
8. If you look &gf_txt14=[!|off]&gf_txt13= the sea - I go swimming every day, even in winter!
7. When I rode a motorcycle for the first time I fell &gf_txt12=[!|by]&gf_txt11= and cause a lack of drinking water.
6. I'm lucky because I live &gf_txt10=[!|up]&gf_txt9= I want to be a famous film star!
5. In a drought, rivers and lakes dry &gf_txt8=[!|up]&gf_txt7= the river in St Petersburg.
4. When I grow &gf_txt6=[!|from]&gf_txt5= rivers.
3. The ship is called the Neva Star and takes it s name &gf_txt4=[!|along]&gf_txt3= the centre of Rome.
2. Tugboats are small, strong boats which guide big ships &gf_txt2=[!|through]&gf_txt1=1. The river Tiber runs &testo_pz=21&item_9=19|783|790||back&item_8=17|650|655||up&item_7=15|542|551||out of&item_6=13|501|507||off&item_5=11|389|394||by&item_4=9|318|323||up&item_3=7|240|245||up&item_2=5|188|195||from&item_1=3|114|122||along&item_0=1|24|34||through&nitem=10&