&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=1&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are 22 words from the text. Below are 17 sentences with gaps for all these words. Put the words into the gaps. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt45= slowly across the flat plains. &gf_txt44=[!|meanders]&gf_txt43=.
17. Near the coast the Zambesi &gf_txt42=[!|overflows]&gf_txt41=.
16. When a dam is full it &gf_txt40=[!|gorge]&gf_txt39= are not navigable.
15. The river flows fast at the bottom of a deep, steep sided &gf_txt38=[!|rapids]&gf_txt37= and smaller &gf_txt36=[!|waterfalls]&gf_txt35=.
14. Rivers which have many big &gf_txt34=[!|banks]&gf_txt33= of the Mississippi.
13. A river has two &gf_txt32=[!|tributary]&gf_txt31=.
12. The Missouri is a &gf_txt30=[!|downstream]&gf_txt29= is much more difficult than swimming &gf_txt28=[!|upstream]&gf_txt27=.
11. Swimming &gf_txt26=[!|floods]&gf_txt25=.
10. When a river bursts its banks it can cause huge &gf_txt24=[!|flood]&gf_txt23=.
9. A lot of rain can cause a river to &gf_txt22=[!|bed]&gf_txt21= ends up in the same river.
8. When a river dries up you can walk along its &gf_txt20=[!|catchment area]&gf_txt19=.
7. All the rain that falls in the &gf_txt18=[!|estuary]&gf_txt17=. Other rivers widen at the mouth. This is called an &gf_txt16=[!|delta]&gf_txt15= before they flow into the sea. This is called a &gf_txt14=[!|channels]&gf_txt13= out of the small hole in the dam wall.
6. Some rivers divide into many smaller &gf_txt12=[!|trickled]&gf_txt11= was too strong and carried him downstream.
5. The water &gf_txt10=[!|current]&gf_txt9= is on the Mozambique coast.
4. He tried to swim across the river but the &gf_txt8=[!|mouth]&gf_txt7= of the Zambesi is in north western Zambia, the &gf_txt6=[!|source]&gf_txt5= in the Zambesi.
3. The &gf_txt4=[!|sandbanks]&gf_txt3=.
2. Crocodiles like to lie in the sun on &gf_txt2=[!|streams]&gf_txt1=1. Most mighty rivers start off as little &testo_pz=45&item_21=43|1222|1233||meanders&item_20=41|1176|1188||overflows&item_19=39|1139|1147||gorge&item_18=37|1047|1056||rapids&item_17=35|1020|1033||waterfalls&item_16=33|978|986||banks&item_15=31|924|936||tributary&item_14=29|886|899||downstream&item_13=27|836|847||upstream&item_12=25|811|820||floods&item_11=23|747|755||flood&item_10=21|700|706||bed&item_9=19|606|623||catchment area&item_8=17|558|568||estuary&item_7=15|496|504||delta&item_6=13|435|446||channels&item_5=11|342|353||trickled&item_4=9|274|284||current&item_3=7|190|198||mouth&item_2=5|132|141||source&item_1=3|95|107||sandbanks&item_0=1|42|52||streams&nitem=22&