&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=After reading the text see if you can match the kings at the top to the questions below. HENRY I is mentioned twice. The first time you use his name to fill a blank use HENRY I (a) and the second time HENRY I (b). When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&nitem=10&gf_txt21=
&gf_txt20=[!|HENRY I (b)]&gf_txt19=
10. Who was responsible for part of the Imperial system of measurement? &gf_txt18=[!|CANUTE]&gf_txt17=
9. Who tried to do the impossible? &gf_txt16=[!|HENRY II]&gf_txt15=
8. Who severely punished forgery? &gf_txt14=[!|WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR]&gf_txt13=
7. Who died in a riding accident? &gf_txt12=[!|WILLIAM II]&gf_txt11=
6. Who do we know for certain was not born in England? &gf_txt10=[!|ETHELRED II]&gf_txt9=
5. Who was famous for not taking advice? &gf_txt8=[!|RICHARD I]&gf_txt7=
4. Who spent most of his time as King abroad? &gf_txt6=[!|Edgar]&gf_txt5=
3. Who was told off by an important person? &gf_txt4=[!|HENRY I (a)]&gf_txt3=
2. Who died at dinnertime? &gf_txt2=[!|HAROLD II]&gf_txt1=1. Who put his country second? &item_9=19|554|568||HENRY I (b)&item_8=17|471|480||CANUTE&item_7=15|423|434||HENRY II&item_6=13|363|387||WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR&item_5=11|314|327||WILLIAM II&item_4=9|243|257||ETHELRED II&item_3=7|188|200||RICHARD I&item_2=5|132|140||Edgar&item_1=3|72|86||HENRY I (a)&item_0=1|31|43||HAROLD II&testo_pz=21&i10_comm=He "decreed that a yard would be the length of his own arm, from finger to nose". &i9_comm=" He is remembered chiefly for his attempt to hold back the waves". &i8_comm=He "ordained the amputation of the right hand and right foot of anyone convicted of É false coining". &i7_comm=He "died in 1087 when he burst open his bowels after being thrown on the pommel of his saddle". &i6_comm=His father was William the Conqueror. In the text about Henry I, it says: "Third surviving son of William the Conqueror and the only one to have been born in England". &i5_comm=" He was called Rede-less from his inability to recognise good rede, or counsel". &i4_comm=" He spent only six months of his ten-year reign actually in England". &i3_comm=He " was reprimanded by Archbishop Dunstan for seducing a nun". &i2_hint=&i2_comm=" He died in 1135 from a surfeit of lampreys". &i1_itsc=0&i1_hint=&i1_comm=He had a tattoo that read "Edith and England". &