&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=1&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=After reading the text about Scottish accents, see if you can match the phrases at the top of the exercise with those at the bottom to produce correct sentences. When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt19=
&gf_txt18=[!|his Scots accent]&gf_txt17=
Billy Connolly can swear and still be liked because of&gf_txt16=[!|is the same actor who does the voice for Homer]&gf_txt15=
The voice of Willie in the "The Simpsons" &gf_txt14=[!|based his accent on a Scottish film director]&gf_txt13=
In "Mrs Doubtfire", Robin Williams&gf_txt12=[!|has a very bad Scots accent]&gf_txt11=
In "Braveheart", Mel Gibson&gf_txt10=[!|has a very good Scots accent]&gf_txt9=
Shrek&gf_txt8=[!|can imitate a Scots accent very well]&gf_txt7=
The actor Mike Myers&gf_txt6=[!|have smooth accents]&gf_txt5=
Sean Connery and Ewan McGregor&gf_txt4=[!|means people will think you are successful]&gf_txt3=
Statistics show that having a Scots accent&gf_txt2=[!|won't change his accent]&gf_txt1=If a Scotsman goes to the Amazon jungle, he&testo_pz=19&item_8=17|603|622||his Scots accent&item_7=15|498|547||is the same actor who does the voice for Homer&item_6=13|407|454||based his accent on a Scottish film director&item_5=11|341|371||has a very bad Scots accent&item_4=9|280|311||has a very good Scots accent&item_3=7|234|273||can imitate a Scots accent very well&item_2=5|190|212||have smooth accents&item_1=3|113|158||means people will think you are successful&item_0=1|43|69||won't change his accent&nitem=9&