&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=After reading "Currency of the dead", see if you can complete the sentences at the bottom by dragging the words from the top into the correct spaces. When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&nitem=10&gf_txt21= sites in Scotland
&gf_txt20=[!|burial]&gf_txt19= from England, Germany and Poland are buried in Scotland.
10. There are also a number of neolithic &gf_txt18=[!|people]&gf_txt17= was a good or a bad man.
9. Important&gf_txt16=[!|Rob Roy]&gf_txt15= for Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
8. People argue about whether &gf_txt14=[!|model]&gf_txt13= before selling them to doctors.
7. Deacon Brodie's behaviour is possibly the &gf_txt12=[!|victims]&gf_txt11= to steal dead bodies for medical experiments.
6. Burke and Hare actually killed some of their &gf_txt10=[!|graveyards]&gf_txt9= in the Necropolis, including tea manufacturer Sir Thomas Lipton.
5. "Resurrectionists" were men who went to &gf_txt8=[!| buried]&gf_txt7= was already a tourist attraction in the 19th century.
4. Many famous and important people are&gf_txt6=[!|Necropolis]&gf_txt5= and spirits, is very popular in Scotland.
3. Glasgow's &gf_txt4=[!|ghosts]&gf_txt3= give tours around the Greyfriar's Kirkyard.
2. "Dark tourism" - tourism about &gf_txt2=[!|guides]&gf_txt1=1. Trained &item_9=19|831|840||burial&item_8=17|722|731||people&item_7=15|673|683||Rob Roy&item_6=13|592|600||model&item_5=11|503|513||victims&item_4=9|394|407||graveyards&item_3=7|274|284|| buried&item_2=5|166|179||Necropolis&item_1=3|100|109||ghosts&item_0=1|11|20||guides&testo_pz=21&