&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Before reading the text, see if you know the meaning of the words at the top by placing them in the correct sentences below. When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&nitem=12&gf_txt25= often when you are afraid.

12. When you shout very loud, you &gf_txt22=[!|shiver]&gf_txt21= of it.
11. When you feel cold, or afraid, you shake all over or &gf_txt20=[!|rid]&gf_txt19=
10. When you don't want something, you can throw it away or get &gf_txt18=[!|terrified]&gf_txt17= you can't stand up and fall down, losing consciousness. It happens when you are very tired, very weak or very ill.
9. When you are very, very frightened, you are &gf_txt16=[!|faint]&gf_txt15= somebody, you put them in a state when they don't know what they are doing or saying, and can change what they think.
8.When you &gf_txt14=[!|hypnotise]&gf_txt13=
7. When you &gf_txt12=[!|subconscious]&gf_txt11= something, then it isn't important to you - you don't particularly like or dislike it.
6. Some people think that we think things that we don't know about - this is called our &gf_txt10=[!|mind]&gf_txt9= is when you are afraid of something, for no good reason.
5. If you don't &gf_txt8=[!|phobia]&gf_txt7= is a kind of insect with a strong round shell. It often lives under rocks.
4. A &gf_txt6=[!|beetle]&gf_txt5= means very, very serious.
3. A &gf_txt4=[!|Severe]&gf_txt3= describes something that has a lot of hair, like a cat or a rabbit.
2. &gf_txt2=[!|Furry]&gf_txt1=1. &item_11=23|1029|1038||scream&item_10=21|984|993||shiver&item_9=19|910|916||rid&item_8=17|832|844||terrified&item_7=15|659|667||faint&item_6=13|516|528||hypnotise&item_5=11|486|501||subconscious&item_4=9|302|309||mind&item_3=7|218|227||phobia&item_2=5|126|135||beetle&item_1=3|84|93||Severe&item_0=1|3|11||Furry&testo_pz=25&