&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are words from the text. Below are definitions of these words. Can you match the words and definitions? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&nitem=20&gf_txt41=&gf_txt40=[!|to gawp]&gf_txt39=
20. To stare with your mouth open. &gf_txt38=[!|just a facade]&gf_txt37=
19. A front without a back. &gf_txt36=[!|potholed]&gf_txt35=
Paragraph 5.
18. Asphalt/tarmac in disrepair, full of holes. &gf_txt34=[!|stand for]&gf_txt33=
17. To represent or symbolise. &gf_txt32=[!|loom large]&gf_txt31=
16. To grow bigger and bigger and tower over everything else. &gf_txt30=[!|slide]&gf_txt29=
15. A slow, steady progression downwards. &gf_txt28=[!|a foregone conclusion]&gf_txt27=
14. An easily predicted result. &gf_txt26=[!|make inroads]&gf_txt25=
Paragraph 3.
13. To make progress at the expense of an often much bigger opposition. &gf_txt24=[!|movement]&gf_txt23=
12. A group with shared aims and ideals, or a force for change in society. &gf_txt22=[!|lofty]&gf_txt21=
11. High, from a great height. &gf_txt20=[!|pleas]&gf_txt19=
10. Strong, urgent requests. &gf_txt18=[!|abound]&gf_txt17=
9. To be found in large numbers. &gf_txt16=[!|cynics]&gf_txt15=
8. Sceptical people who don't believe anything. &gf_txt14=[!|appreciated]&gf_txt13=
7. Well understood. &gf_txt12=[!|to come about]&gf_txt11=
Paragraph 2.
6. To happen, as predicted. &gf_txt10=[!|liberal]&gf_txt9=
5. Left wing, opposed to any kind of fascism. &gf_txt8=[!|deep seated]&gf_txt7=
4. Well buried, difficult to get rid of. &gf_txt6=[!|in flames]&gf_txt5=
3. Burning. &gf_txt4=[!|fleeing]&gf_txt3=
2. Running away, escaping. &gf_txt2=[!|imminent]&gf_txt1=Paragraph 1
1. About to happen very soon. &item_19=39|1099|1109||to gawp&item_18=37|1046|1062||just a facade&item_17=35|1005|1016||potholed&item_16=33|927|939||stand for&item_15=31|881|894||loom large&item_14=29|809|817||slide&item_13=27|741|765||a foregone conclusion&item_12=25|692|707||make inroads&item_11=23|591|602||movement&item_10=21|506|514||lofty&item_9=19|465|473||pleas&item_8=17|425|434||abound&item_7=15|381|390||cynics&item_6=13|317|331||appreciated&item_5=11|279|295||to come about&item_4=9|224|234||liberal&item_3=7|162|176||deep seated&item_2=5|107|119||in flames&item_1=3|83|93||fleeing&item_0=1|43|54||imminent&testo_pz=41&