&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=After reading the text on student power, drag and drop the phrases from top to bottom to complete the sentences. When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&nitem=10&gf_txt21=have just as good an academic record as other students in Europe.

&gf_txt20=[!|Italian students]&gf_txt19=is almost impossible for students to go on strike.
&gf_txt18=[!|In the UK, it]&gf_txt17=protested more than the students.
&gf_txt16=[!|In one school, teachers]&gf_txt15=think that the motives of the strikers are not clear.
&gf_txt14=[!|Some students]&gf_txt13=are in favour of the protests.
&gf_txt12=[!|Most students]&gf_txt11=take different forms.
&gf_txt10=[!|Their protests can]&gf_txt9=to protest about all kinds of problems.
&gf_txt8=[!|Students go on strike]&gf_txt7=go on strike.
&gf_txt6=[!|In Italy, school students often]&gf_txt5=had a strong effect.
&gf_txt4=[!|In France, student strikes]&gf_txt3=make people think of factory workers, not students.
&gf_txt2=[!|Strikes usually]&gf_txt1=&item_9=18|531|550||Italian students&item_8=16|463|479||In the UK, it&item_7=14|402|428||In one school, teachers&item_6=12|330|346||Some students&item_5=10|282|298||Most students&item_4=8|237|258||Their protests can&item_3=6|171|195||Students go on strike&item_2=4|122|156||In Italy, school students often&item_1=2|71|100||In France, student strikes&item_0=0|0|18||Strikes usually&testo_pz=21&