&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are the first halves of 15 words that end in the suffix "-ship". Below are sentences with definitions, but with gaps. Can you put the half-words into the gaps to complete the sentences? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers. You can use the link to the dictionary, but there is no other help for this activity.&gf_txt31=ship is the state of being someone with complete power in a country, esp. when the power is achieved by force.&gf_txt30=[!|Dictator]&gf_txt29=ship is the relationship of persons who spend a lot of time with either because they are friends or because they are travelling together.
15. &gf_txt28=[!|Companion]&gf_txt27=ship is the state of being a member of a particular country and having rights because of it.
14. &gf_txt26=[!|Citizen]&gf_txt25=ship is a unit of local government consisting of a place where there are a lot of houses, shops, places of work, etc. in which people live and work. and the area surrounding it .
13. &gf_txt24=[!|town]&gf_txt23=ship is the quality or condition of being a person whom is known well and liked a lot, but who is usually not a member of the family.
12. A &gf_txt22=[!|Friend]&gf_txt21=ship is the act, process, or practice of reading books, watching films, etc. in order to remove anything offensive from them.
11. &gf_txt20=[!|Censor]&gf_txt19=ship is a group of people or an organization with the same purpose.
10. &gf_txt18=[!|fellow]&gf_txt17=ship is the state of belonging to an organization.
9. A &gf_txt16=[!|Member]&gf_txt15=ship is the state of being a person closely involved with another person in some way.
8. &gf_txt14=[!|partner]&gf_txt13=ship is support for a person, organization or activity through money, encouragement or other help.
7. A &gf_txt12=[!|Sponsor]&gf_txt11=ship is the way in which two people or groups of people feel and behave towards each other.
6. &gf_txt10=[!|relation]&gf_txt9=ship is the legal right to the possession of a thing.
5. A &gf_txt8=[!|Owner]&gf_txt7=ship is an amount of money given by a school, college, university or other organization to pay for a person with great ability but little money to study.
4. &gf_txt6=[!|scholar]&gf_txt5=ship is a competition, esp. a sporting one.
3. A &gf_txt4=[!|champion]&gf_txt3=ship is the set of characteristics that make person who makes the decisions or is the most important person in a group .
2. A &gf_txt2=[!|Leader]&gf_txt1=1. &testo_pz=31&item_14=29|1657|1668||Dictator&item_13=27|1502|1514||Companion&item_12=25|1393|1403||Citizen&item_11=23|1202|1209||town&item_10=21|1052|1061||Friend&item_9=19|912|921||Censor&item_8=17|830|839||fellow&item_7=15|763|772||Member&item_6=13|662|672||partner&item_5=11|547|557||Sponsor&item_4=9|439|450||relation&item_3=7|371|379||Owner&item_2=5|202|212||scholar&item_1=3|140|151||champion&item_0=1|3|12||Leader&nitem=15&