&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=1&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Type another form of the word in CAPITALS in the blank space in each sentence. Click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt15= and for no other reason.&gf_txt14=[!|self-confident]&gf_txt13= you can probably bet on sports matches!
7. Nikos' friend suggested that he was lucky because he was CONFIDENT &gf_txt12=[!|predictions]&gf_txt11=lucky.
6. If you can make accurate PREDICT &gf_txt10=[!|]&gf_txt9= for superstitions.
5. Winning the lottery isn't a question of skill - it just means that you are LUCK &gf_txt8=[!|explanations]&gf_txt7= in superstitious ideas.
4. Some people think that there are rational EXPLAIN &gf_txt6=[!|believe]&gf_txt5= beliefs.
3. Nikos didn't BELIEF &gf_txt4=[!|irrational]&gf_txt3= man.
2. Nikos thought that superstitions were RATIONAL &gf_txt2=[!|superstitious]&gf_txt1=1. Nikos wasn't a SUPERSTITION &testo_pz=15&item_6=13|532|549||self-confident&item_5=11|406|420||predictions&item_4=9|359|362||&item_3=7|240|255||explanations&item_2=5|151|161||believe&item_1=3|104|117||irrational&item_0=1|31|47||superstitious&nitem=7&