&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=At the top are 18 words and expressions. Below are the definitions of these words and expressions, with gaps. Can you match the words and their definitions? When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt37= is an actor.&gf_txt36=[!|thespian]&gf_txt35= is to say (a piece of writing) aloud from memory.
18. A/an &gf_txt34=[!|recite]&gf_txt33= is to repeat the words that someone else has said or written.
17. To &gf_txt32=[!|quote]&gf_txt31= is a piece of advice or a theory, often related to matters of health, that was believed in the past but which we now know to be wrong.
16. To &gf_txt30=[!|old wives' tale]&gf_txt29= is a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, esp. as part of a ceremony.
15. A/an &gf_txt28=[!|ritual]&gf_txt27= is to make (things such as clothes) by using two long needles to connect wool or another type of thread into joined rows.
14. A/an &gf_txt26=[!|knit]&gf_txt25= is decorative objects worn on clothes or on the body which are usually made from valuable metals, such as gold and silver, and which usually contain precious stones.
13. To &gf_txt24=[!|Jewellery]&gf_txt23= is to make a high sound by forcing air through a small hole or passage, esp. through the lips.
12. &gf_txt22=[!|whistle]&gf_txt21= is an object which is made to look real or valuable in order to deceive people.
11. To &gf_txt20=[!|fake]&gf_txt19= is bad luck, or an unlucky event or accident.
10. A/an &gf_txt18=[!|mishap]&gf_txt17= is to (cause to) curve.
9. A/an &gf_txt16=[!|bend]&gf_txt15= is to move about or travel, esp. without any real purpose.
8. To &gf_txt14=[!|roam]&gf_txt13= is a group of people gathered in one place to watch or listen to a play, film, speaker, etc.
7. To &gf_txt12=[!|audience]&gf_txt11= is a sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction.
6. A/an &gf_txt10=[!|catastrophe]&gf_txt9= is to lose your balance after knocking your foot against something when you are walking or running, or to cause (someone) to do this.
5. A/an &gf_txt8=[!|trip]&gf_txt7= is to press (esp. someone's skin) strongly between two hard things such as a finger and a thumb, usually causing pain.
4. To &gf_txt6=[!|pinch]&gf_txt5= means "having the condition of reacting badly to something, causing someone who eats it, touches it or breathes it in to feel uncomfortable or become ill".
3. To &gf_txt4=[!|Allergic]&gf_txt3= is the edge of a piece of cloth, such as the bottom edge of a skirt or dress, which is folded over and sewn so that it does not develop loose threads.
2. &gf_txt2=[!|hem]&gf_txt1=1. A/an &testo_pz=37&item_17=35|1973|1984||thespian&item_16=33|1903|1912||recite&item_15=31|1824|1832||quote&item_14=29|1662|1680||old wives' tale&item_13=27|1547|1556||ritual&item_12=25|1407|1414||knit&item_11=23|1220|1232||Jewellery&item_10=21|1109|1119||whistle&item_9=19|1013|1020||fake&item_8=17|947|956||mishap&item_7=15|906|913||bend&item_6=13|832|839||roam&item_5=11|720|731||audience&item_4=9|631|645||catastrophe&item_3=7|480|487||trip&item_2=5|345|353||pinch&item_1=3|170|181||Allergic&item_0=1|8|14||hem&nitem=18&