&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=2&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Keats' poem appeals to all the senses - sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. The sounds of the words are vivid and musical. See if you can match the words at the top to their definitions below. When you have finished, click on "submit" to check your answers.&gf_txt19=
9. To develop like a flower &gf_txt16=[!|wailful]&gf_txt15=
8. Making a sorrowful or high-pitched sound &gf_txt14=[!|plump]&gf_txt13=
7. To fatten or fill out &gf_txt12=[!|bleat]&gf_txt11=
6. To make the sound of a sheep &gf_txt10=[!|oozings]&gf_txt9=
5. Liquid seeping or being squeezed out &gf_txt8=[!|winnowing]&gf_txt7=
4. Throwing corn into the wind to separate grain from the chaff &gf_txt6=[!|clammy]&gf_txt5=
3. Damp, moist &gf_txt4=[!|mossed]&gf_txt3=
2. Covered in green moss &gf_txt2=[!|twitter]&gf_txt1=1. To sing or chirp like a bird &testo_pz=19&item_8=17|397|405||bloom&item_7=15|357|367||wailful&item_6=13|303|311||plump&item_5=11|268|276||bleat&item_4=9|224|234||oozings&item_3=7|170|182||winnowing&item_2=5|95|104||clammy&item_1=3|69|78||mossed&item_0=1|32|42||twitter&nitem=9&