&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=0&exty=13&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Each of the top tips to save the planet is paraphrased (written in different words) below, but they are not in the same order as in the text. Use your mouse to move them up or down so that they are in the same order. You can see the answer by clicking on the blue ball at the top. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answer.&i1_dim1=1&nitem=1&i1_hint=&i1_comm=Here is the correct answer:

Turn things off when you're not using them!
Turn things off when they are loaded to capacity!
Don't let the cold escape!
Cover your food when you're making it!
Don't throw things in the bin when you don't have to!
Keep the water in and turn off the tap!
Keep the tap on and don't keep the water!
Don't heat what you don't have to!
Don't be so warm!
&i1_riga9=Don't stay so warm!&i1_riga8=Don't heat what you don't have to!&i1_riga7=Keep the tap on and don't keep the water!&i1_riga6=Keep the water in and turn off the tap!&i1_riga5=Don't throw things in the bin when you don't have to!&i1_riga4=Cover your food when you're making it!&i1_riga3=Don't let the cold escape!&i1_riga2=Turn things off when they are loaded to capacity!&i1_riga1=Turn things off when you're not using them!&i1_nrighe=9&i1_defa=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&