&vsize=400&exid=1&exmo=1&exty=10&thre=1&trmo=0&trurl= text&subm=1&hurl=helpfile.swf&cnt_txt=Make each of the 16 sentences below correct by deleting all the unnecessary words between the brackets ( ). Delete the brackets also. When you have finished, click "Submit" to check your answers.&nitem=16&i16_cvalue=16. The twin who is telling the story has a birthmark on her shoulder.&i16_txt=16. The twin who is telling the story has a (bag / birthmark / tattoo) on her shoulder.&i15_cvalue=15. Evie was pretending to be Edie.&i15_txt=15. Evie was (asking about / pretending to be / worried about) Edie.&i14_cvalue=14. The police came to question Edie.&i14_txt=14. The police came to (arrest / question / say hello to) Edie.&i13_cvalue=13. Evie took Edie's passport.&i13_txt=13. Evie took Edie's (money / job / passport).&i12_cvalue=12. Evie borrowed money from Edie.&i12_txt=12. Evie (borrowed / lent / stole) money from Edie.&i11_cvalue=11. Edie got a job after the twins left school.&i11_txt=11. Edie (did nothing / disappeared / got a job) after the twins left school.&i10_cvalue=10. Edie thought that if Evie got into trouble, she would too.&i10_txt=10. Edie thought that if Evie got (better / ill /into trouble), she would too.&i9_cvalue=9. Edie didn't tell anyone about her sister's birthmark.&i9_txt=9. Edie didn't tell anyone about her sister's (behaviour / birthmark / lies).&i8_cvalue=8. Edie got into serious trouble because Evie stole some money from a teacher.&i8_txt=8. (Edie / Evie) got into serious trouble because (Edie / Evie) stole some money from a teacher.&i7_cvalue=7. When Evie got into trouble, she pretended to be her sister.&i7_txt=7. When Evie got into trouble, she (asked help from / lied to / pretended to be) her sister.&i6_cvalue=6. Evie was not a good student at school.&i6_txt=6. (Edie / Evie) was not a good student at school.&i5_cvalue=5. Evie has a small brown birthmark on her shoulder.&i5_txt=5. Evie has a small brown (bag / birthmark / tattoo) on her shoulder.&i4_cvalue=4. As they grew up, the twins started to become more different.&i4_txt=4. As they grew up, the twins started to become more (different / friendly / naughty).&i3_cvalue=3. It was impossible for their schoolteachers to know who was Edie and who was Evie.&i3_txt=3. It was impossible for their (friends / parents / schoolteachers) to know who was Edie and who was Evie.&i2_cvalue=2. The twins even had names which were similar.&i2_txt=2. The twins even had (clothes / names / personalities) which were similar.&i1_cvalue=1. The twins' parents usually dressed them identically.&i1_txt=1. The twins' parents usually dressed them (differently / identically / similarly).&