&vsize=400&exid=fcxgr_110&exmo=0&exty=1&thre=4&trmo=1&trurl=http://bc.easehost.net/script/script.cfm&shuf=0&spdrag=0&sppos=0&skelt=../obj/skelt01.swf&frameup=cnt_blank.swf&framedown=tpl_gapfilltype.swf&panel=0&audiolv=70&audiofile=nul&autoplay=1&buffertime=5&tscr=0&audioscript=HTML text&subm=1&hurl=http://bc.easehost.net/help/gaptype/gaptype.swf&nitem=8&gf_txt17= the work.&gf_txt16=[!|they had done all|they'd done all]&gf_txt15= hospital.

8. They did all the work before he arrived. DONE
When he arrived, &gf_txt14=[!|he had been in | he'd been in]&gf_txt13=, so he was late for work.

7. After being in hospital, he was very weak. HE
He was very weak because &gf_txt12=[!|had broken down]&gf_txt11= a visa.

6. He was late for work because his car wouldn't start. DOWN
His car &gf_txt10=[!|because he hadn't got|because he had not got]&gf_txt9= the train.

5. He didn't have a visa, so he wasn't allowed into the country. GOT
He wasn't allowed into the country &gf_txt8=[!|he had missed|he'd missed]&gf_txt7= at home.

4. When he reached the station, the train was no longer there. MISSED
When he reached the station, &gf_txt6=[!|he had left his wallet|he'd left his wallet]&gf_txt5= before we got to the party.

3. He couldn't pay at the restaurant because he didn't bring his wallet. LEFT
He couldn't pay at the restaurant because &gf_txt4=[!|had eaten all the food|'d eaten all the food]&gf_txt3= they started work.

2. When we got to the party there was no food left. ALL
They &gf_txt2=[!|hadn't arrived when|had not arrived when]&gf_txt1=1. They started work before his arrival. WHEN
He still &item_7=15|1050|1086||they had done all|they'd done all&item_6=13|938|970||he had been in | he'd been in&item_5=11|816|834||had broken down&item_4=9|688|735||because he hadn't got|because he had not got&item_3=7|541|569||he had missed|he'd missed&item_2=5|383|429||he had left his wallet|he'd left his wallet&item_1=3|183|230||had eaten all the food|'d eaten all the food&item_0=1|56|99||hadn't arrived when|had not arrived when&testo_pz=17&i8_itsc=1&i7_itsc=1&i6_itsc=1&i5_itsc=1&i4_itsc=1&i3_itsc=1&i2_itsc=1&i1_itsc=1&