&vsize=400&exid=fcxgr_402&exmo=0&exty=1&thre=4&trmo=1&trurl=http://bc.easehost.net/script/script.cfm&shuf=0&spdrag=0&sppos=0&skelt=../obj/skelt01.swf&frameup=cnt_blank.swf&framedown=tpl_gapfilltype.swf&panel=0&audiolv=70&audiofile=nul&autoplay=0&buffertime=5&tscr=0&audioscript=HTML text&subm=1&hurl=http://bc.easehost.net/help/gaptype/gaptype.swf&nitem=8&gf_txt17= go to her restaurant.&gf_txt16=[!|cooked better, people would]&gf_txt15= phone him.
8. People don't go to her restaurant because she cooks so badly. BETTER
If she &gf_txt14=[!|won't come unless you|will not come unless you]&gf_txt13= buy you a drink.
7. Phone him, or he won't come. UNLESS
He &gf_txt12=[!|got some money, I'd|got some money, I would]&gf_txt11= carefully.
6. I can't buy you a drink because I haven't got any money. SOME
If I'd &gf_txt10=[!|my car if you drive]&gf_txt9= rains.
5. You can use my car but you must drive carefully. IF
You can use &gf_txt8=[!|will go swimming unless it|'ll go swimming unless it]&gf_txt7= how dangerous it is.
4. We want to go swimming but it may rain. UNLESS
We &gf_txt6=[!|up smoking if he knew]&gf_txt5= lock it.
3. He doesn't know how dangerous smoking is, othewise he'd give up. IF
He'd give &gf_txt4=[!|will get stolen unless you|'ll get stolen unless you]&gf_txt3= get the job.
2. Lock your car or it will get stolen. UNLESS
Your car &gf_txt2=[!worked harder, he'd|worked harder, he'd]&gf_txt1=1. He won't get the job because he doesn't work hard. HARDER
If he &item_7=15|919|949||cooked better, people would&item_6=13|777|826||won't come unless you|will not come unless you&item_5=11|669|715||got some money, I'd|got some money, I would&item_4=9|561|583||my car if you drive&item_3=7|429|484||will go swimming unless it|'ll go swimming unless it&item_2=5|328|352||up smoking if he knew&item_1=3|180|235||will get stolen unless you|'ll get stolen unless you&item_0=1|67|108|worked harder, he'd|worked harder, he'd&testo_pz=17&i8_itsc=1&i7_itsc=1&i6_itsc=1&i5_itsc=1&i4_itsc=1&i3_itsc=1&i2_itsc=1&i1_itsc=1&