&vsize=400&exid=fcxgr_406&exmo=0&exty=1&thre=3&trmo=1&trurl=http://bc.easehost.net/script/script.cfm&shuf=0&spdrag=0&sppos=0&skelt=../obj/skelt01.swf&frameup=cnt_blank.swf&framedown=tpl_gapfilltype.swf&panel=0&audiolv=70&audiofile=nul&autoplay=0&buffertime=5&tscr=0&audioscript=HTML text&subm=1&hurl=http://bc.easehost.net/help/gaptype/gaptype.swf&i6_itsc=1&i5_itsc=1&i4_itsc=1&i3_itsc=1&i2_itsc=1&i1_itsc=1&gf_txt13= have answered the question correctly.&gf_txt12=[!|were more careful, you would|were more careful, you'd]&gf_txt11= job if his father weren't the director.

6. You answered the question wrongly because you are careless. MORE
If you &gf_txt10=[!|would not have got the|wouldn't have got the]&gf_txt9= , he wouldn't be in hospital.

5. He got the job because his father is the director. NOT
He &gf_txt8=[!|hadn't had an accident|had not had an accident]&gf_txt7= invited her to the party.

4. He is in hospital because of an accident. HAD
If he &gf_txt6=[!|were friendlier, I'd have|were friendlier, I would have]&gf_txt5= the job.

3. I didn't invite her to the party because she isn't very friendly. FRIENDLIER
If she &gf_txt4=[!|he'd have got|he would have got]&gf_txt3= he weren't so lazy.

2. He didn't get the job because he can't speak Greek. WOULD
If he could speak Greek, &gf_txt2=[!have got the job if|have got the job if]&gf_txt1=1. He didn't get the job because he is very lazy. GOT
He would &testo_pz=13&item_5=11|796|852||were more careful, you would|were more careful, you'd&item_4=9|631|678||would not have got the|wouldn't have got the&item_3=7|488|537||hadn't had an accident|had not had an accident&item_2=5|346|404||were friendlier, I'd have|were friendlier, I would have&item_1=3|213|247||he'd have got|he would have got&item_0=1|63|104|have got the job if|have got the job if&nitem=6&